Released on December 17, 2024
Released on November 20, 2024
Released on November 4, 2024
Released on October 21, 2024
Released on October 8, 2024
Released on September 16, 2024
The primary focus of this release is to offer support for macOS 15 Sequoia, along with improvements to the online help and several user interface components of Posterino.
Released on August 15, 2024
Released on July 30, 2024
Released on July 22, 2024
This release is all about improving the text features of Posterino. The text editor now works in-place and the inspector panels for text and text captions have been cleaned up. To make the text features more prominent, I added a new toolbar button for adding text.
Released on May 7, 2024
Released on May 7, 2024
Released on April 23, 2024
This release is all about improving the user interface and the onboarding process.
Released on March 11, 2024
This release is about improvements to the media browser, the template picker and the user interface of Posterino. You should notice a much shorter loading time of the media browser. Especially if you have a lot of images in your Photos library. And, I made a few small tweaks here and there to improve the user interface.
Released on December 18, 2023
Released on December 15, 2023
Released on November 27, 2023
> Search
is now connected to the online help and delivers the same results as a search in the online help window.Released on November 17, 2023
Released on November 3, 2023
Released on November 1, 2023
Released on October 23, 2023
Posterino 5 allows you to automatically crop a set of images to their subject. To the face, the upper body, or to the main part of the image. All this, with the click of a button. Or - using the new set of auto-crop enabled templates - with no click at all. Just drop your images onto a template and the crop is done.
To learn more, go to How to apply Auto-Crop in the online help.
On top of the auto-crop feature you can add subject-masking to rid an image of its background. In the most simple case, this makes the background transparent.
With the image background out of the way, there is room for something new. Something colorful. Posterino 5 comes with a set of color palettes to choose from.
The new features taken together - the auto-crop, the subject-masking and the color palettes - give Posterino templates a new level of power. Grab a bunch of images, one of the new templates and experience a new stage of Posterino automation and flexibility.
For example, to create a collage yearbook, you just need to drop a set of portrait images onto the right template and you are done. Done with crop, masking, background, placement and all. And in case your image file names correspond to the names of the students, you don't even have to touch the captions.
Finally, as the sugar on top, some fun.
Based on the beloved Mosaic-Crop action of Posterino, using the new features outlined above and a bit of algorithmic magic, you can create something really special in Posterino: A Face-Mosaic.
How does this work? Basically you take a set of portrait images - from one or from different persons - and you chose a layout for your document. Then you apply the Face-Mosaic action which will align the faces from the individual images to build one face stretching over all the images of your document. The Face-Mosaic action can be controlled using a corresponding inspector panel.
To learn more, go to How do I create a Face-Mosaic? in the online help.